Welcome to my Bloog.

I will try and write on here from time-to-time, as kind of an open diary. Feel free to tune in every once in a while.

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i class="list-['<']"> <a5(]62E ]5] c/app/src/pages/bloog/index.astro5] r÷$$file5^Ih$$url5(^s /bloog 5P^)N_page(5x^DObject05^zfreeze85^zdefineProperty@5^*fileH5 _̭urlP5H_6C  SymbolX5p_z.toStringTag`5_ EyModuleh5_~Mpagep5_̗xwwvwvxvw-055P5z@5{ +aa Naa ObbXWWWWW XHXpXXXX(ZX[[[]]8^^aabcdxee@f )   L   0 O  D `_ `cpc؊ Pcc elea`^(mvplay RddpЃ x   0ءatched tst phase of tH Lh `_t `_ t `t `_ t `T, 5bit of BEukonxexe H Lh `_ `X `` `_ `` `_ `_F023,eeh it`^xv NinH>rea@f@fXfXf>I ef ffXWWWWHXpXXX5Hwxww55v5w55v5xv5w555v5xv$grow5v(wPw55v5v5hy555xvxw hours per week hours), and givi all, I did not results I expect/p>

Sothat I have comeize over the pasmonths is that m are not

Not to that lack of woat helps you att grades, but donrwork yourself. des are not a fuf more work → more good. It’s the net outcome of your whole life, so don’t stress yourself out working until 9 PM everyday, because that’s probably what’s making your grades tank.

Anyways, who am I to say anything? I’m only a first-year A Level student, so I’m sure that there are plenty more horrors to come my way!